okay, now I have to admit me being lazy so far with this writing.. during my working term I didn't have time to post here and still I'm having that UK exchange camp -post on progress but now I focus to get this posting on track and maybe the camp post will come out one day :)
kaikkee on ehtiny tapahtua kesän jälkeen ja ajattelin valaista syitä postausten hetkelliseen loppumiseen. olin siis työssäoppimassa Loimaalla yhdessä sisustusliikkeessä ja viihdyin oikein hyvin. itse koulu alko vasta 30.9. että ollaan tässä jo pari viikkoa koulussakin istuttu. heti ku tulin UK:sta takasin Suomeen, oli äiti haeskellu mulle kämppää ja nyt oon sitten asunu kohta jo pari kuukautta tässä omassa huushollissa! super exited!
well, a lot has happened after summer so I'm about to tell you some reasons for my momentary not-posting. I had a term at school when I have to search a place where I can work 8 weeks the profession I am studying now, which is interior designing. I worked in a little decorating boutique and it was really nice. my proper school started on 30th of September so I've been sitting in a proper school for a while. right after my come back from UK mom had found me an own apartment and now I've been living on my own for a couple of months! super exited!
onnistuin myös jotenkin saamaan itselleni uuden poikaystävän, joten kaiken kaikkiaan asiat on reilassa :)
I was also being lucky, 'cause during my moving in I somehow got myself a boyfriend so altogether everything is perfect :)
photos of my apartment comes after (when IKEA sends me my covers for the sofa), I just wanted you to know I haven't quit with this posting here ;)
it's autumn here |
with all love
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