taa kirjainten kopiointi ei oikein toiminukkaan, joten.. koittakaa kestaa seuraavat 2 ja puol viikkoo tata kirjainvajetta.
no, paatettiin katien kans, et mennaan taide galleriaan ja siella me oltiin ja kaveltiin, kunnes yhdessa vaiheessa tajusin, et siel oli ihan loistava ilmanen wi-fi, ni hyvinhan me keskityttiinki niihin teoksiin, ku molemmat naputteli puhelintansa. kun saatiin kierros lopetettua kuljeksittiin ja etsittiin H&M:aa ja kun se vihdoin loyty, Katie shoppaili. mun ei tarvinnu kauheesti mitaan muuta ku hiuskukkia ja yks halpa £2 koru, kun siel oli hinnat euroissa, ni ei huvittanu ostella :D
yesterday we decided to go to the Manchester art gallery and that's what we did today. we were looking the pieces of art till i realized they got a wonderful free wi-fi connection there and that was the "end" of our tour 'cause then we were just chatting to our friends. just kidding, we chatted a little bit but also looked the art. when we finally left the gallery, we searched the H&M and Katie was shopping a bit, me too but only accessories.
here some photos of the day :)
at Stretford tram station |
all these pieces of art are from the Manchester Art Gallery |
there has been a Doctor Who fan too!! |
my favourite painting :) |
a flying man |
fridge can be art too! |
this is outside one building where we visited quickly. |
i promised to myself that i'll buy a book in english. here it is! |
and my new shoes... not from Primark. <3 seriously love 'em! |
tassa kaikki talla eraa, huomenna moottoripyorailemaan!
here was all about this day and tomorrow there will be some motorcycling! exited!
w e l o v e m i n i o n s!