lauantai 27. heinäkuuta 2013

on our own

jotenka.. tanaan me liikuskeltiin kahdestaan ilman Marianin avustusta ja selvitettiin reitti elokuviin ja Manchesterin keskustaan :) apostolin kyytia tuli harrastettua ihan riittamiin ja kun loydettiin reitti piccadillylle, istuskeltiin hetki ja todettiin etta mennaan primarkiin. taas. todettiin paikallisten olevan hyvinkin ystavallisia koska kun kysyttiin niin selitysta tuli kauan ja hymy suussa jatkuvasti. tuli hyva mieli. kuvia paivasta postauksen loppu. (+ oltiin intialaisessa ravintolassa syomassa Marianin, Andyn ja Laran kanssa + Katie totta kai!)

well.. today we were just walking around together by ourselves without Marian's help and we made our way to the cinema and to the Manchester centre :) we walked a looooong way and when we finally found our way to piccadilly we were just sitting and then we decided to go to the Primark. again. we also noticed that people around here are so friendly and when we asked a way to somewhere they were so happy to guide the way and they were just smiling all the time. that brought me to a good mood. even better than it already was. photos of the day will be the rest of this post. (+ we also went to Indian restaurant, great food there and we had a wonderful time with Marian, Andy and Lara + ofc Katie)

wanted a minion - didn't get one

stupid game, pretty Katie

found something expencive

totally approve this!

i bought today three dresses, which 
i'll someday need. i don't got dresses enough.

my absolutely favourite <3

tässä oli tää päivä ja kuten huomaatte nyt vasta onnistuin kopioimaan ä:n tänne!!! :D 
p.s. sit ku Monsterit Yliopisto tulee suomeen, menkää kattoon se!

well, here was this day, waiting for tomorrow :)


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