i know. it's been too long time i've written here but believe it or not, i've been seriously busy!
seuraavana olis sitten kuvasaldoa norjan reissulta.
the following photos are from my trip in Norway.
Perhe asuu melko korkeella, ei super, mut jonkin verran ja sieltä pääsee vaan busseilla keskustaan, joten meikäläinen tyytyi vain kävelemiseen ja kuivailuun.
The family lives near a mountine and it was too hard for me to even try busses so I was fine with going for a walk and take a few photos.
and who said penguins do not exist in Norway. those ducks are vases :D funny, ha?
little ashtray |
jos alkaisin kertoon kaiken mitä tein norjassa, siitä tulis ainakin novelli!
if i started telling you everything about my trip, it would be a super long story!
Anna's 19th birthday! and her new sewing machine! |
ilta ennen konserttia oli grillibileet ja alaikäset poistu 11 jälkeen..
the night before the concert we had a barbecue party and all the underage people left around 11pm...
Fride og Anna |
<3 |
some wine all over Fride |
(Y) |
we truly danced together |
seuraavana päivänä oli konsertti ja alla oliskin kuvia siitä
on next day we had a concert, and here are some pics of that
instruments steal space.. |
seuraavana päivänä ja konsertista toipuneena
on next day, recovered from the concert
somewhere, over the rainbow |
vierailuni oli mahtava ja mukaan mahtui monta jaksoa How I Met Your Mohteria ja norjan kielen oppimista.
my visit in Norway was filled with awesomeness, a few episodes of How I Met Your Mohter and learning Norwegian.
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thank you sweeties!<3 Lille Persille i hagen står lysegrønn kjole og krusete hår hvorfor så stille lille Persille? Kanskje du ville på ball i år |
the song i learned in norwegian
see you soon
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