tiistai 30. heinäkuuta 2013

more than you could even imagine

taman parempaa ei voi edes kuvitella. oon ollu taal nyt viis paivaa ja oon kokenu enemman mita edes odotin.

better than this you can't even get or imagine. i've been here five days, ish, and i've experienced more than i even expected.

alotetaan eilisesta.
herailtiin aamu puol 8 aikoihin ja meita tultiin hakemaan about 9 aikaan, koska Marianin poika ja sen vaimo tuli hakemaan meita moottoripyora ajelulle. en enaa muista paikan nimee, mut siel oli kaunista ja peuroja villina. en ottanu kameraa mukaan sinne, koska en jaksanu ahtaa sita moottoripyoran laukkuun, joten laitan kaikki jama kuvat sitte ku palaan suomeen ja kunnollisiin kirjaimiin...

let's begin with yesterday.

we woke up half past 7 ish and at 9 Marian's son and his wife came to get us for a motorbike ride. i can't remember the name of the place where we went but it was beautiful park full of trees and there were a bunch of deer too. i didn't take my camera with me 'cause i didn't want to stuff my camera into the motorbike bags. i'll add the "leftover" photos when i will arrive back in Finland...

i seriously didn't drive that. we took this photo after the trip.
en oikeesti tietenkaa ajanu, otettiin kuva reissun jalkeen.

kunhan palattiin reissulta, mein piti pakata nopeesti ja laittaa ittemme kuntoon, koska oltiin menossa Lions Clubin grillijuhliin. nuoria siel oli vaan mina, Keti ja Gabi (Gabriele, italialainen vaihtaripoika). kunhan hengailtiin siel ja sateesta huolimatta meil oli tosi hauskaa. jaatiin Ketin kans sinne yoks. ihan kohtuullisen raskas paiva. 

when we arrived back from the motorcycle trip, we needed to pack our stuff for sleepover quickly because we went to the Lions Club's barbecue party. Me, Keti and Gabi (Gabriele, Italian exchange student) were the only youths in there. it rained a bit but even though, it was fun . the hole day was pretty hard and long.

Lucy and Marian

football girl

party sistah!

got ya!

girls and Marian!

Angel and his assistants :)

Italian grill master!


the umbrella ladies :)


these ladies seriously danced the hole night!

oltiin siis yokylassa ja aamulla lahettiin kohti Blackpoolia. kaveltiin Balckpoolissa rannalla, kaytiin syomassa ja kateltiin moottoripyoria. kiusattiin herra "Enkelia" ;) 

we had a sleepover at Erica's and Barry's (Gabi's host-parents) place. in the morning we went to Blackpool and visited the beach, we ate Fish and Chips and we saw some lovely motorbikes. ofc, we teased our lovely mr. Angel ;)

my feet and my Moomin patch :)


they got some Doctor Who stuff there!

isn't she sweet!<3

mr. Angel is very into these photos..

the must British stuff

"the floor of stuff"

the mini-Eiffel

Barry bought me this wonderful board game! :D 
mini-TARDIS! this is Erica's and Barry's :) love it!!

siellahan me paivaa vietettiin ja kuten kuvista nakyy, hauskaa oli :) ens yona nukutaan piiiiitkaan!

so, there we were and as you can see, we had super fun! :) now i'll go to sleep and i will sleep as long as possible!
p.s. i hate slow computers!!!!


sunnuntai 28. heinäkuuta 2013


taa kirjainten kopiointi ei oikein toiminukkaan, joten.. koittakaa kestaa seuraavat 2 ja puol viikkoo tata kirjainvajetta. 
no, paatettiin katien kans, et mennaan taide galleriaan ja siella me oltiin ja kaveltiin, kunnes yhdessa vaiheessa tajusin, et siel oli ihan loistava ilmanen wi-fi, ni hyvinhan me keskityttiinki niihin teoksiin, ku molemmat naputteli puhelintansa. kun saatiin kierros lopetettua kuljeksittiin ja etsittiin H&M:aa ja kun se vihdoin loyty, Katie shoppaili. mun ei tarvinnu kauheesti mitaan muuta ku hiuskukkia ja yks halpa £2 koru, kun siel oli hinnat euroissa, ni ei huvittanu ostella :D 

yesterday we decided to go to the Manchester art gallery and that's what we did today. we were looking the pieces of art till i realized they got a wonderful free wi-fi connection there and that was the "end" of our tour 'cause then we were just chatting to our friends. just kidding, we chatted a little bit but also looked the art. when we finally left the gallery, we searched the H&M and Katie was shopping a bit, me too but only accessories. 

here some photos of the day :)

at Stretford tram station

all these pieces of art are from the Manchester Art Gallery

there has been a Doctor Who fan too!!

my favourite painting :)

a flying man

fridge can be art too!

this is outside one building where we visited quickly.

i promised to myself that i'll buy a book in english. here it is!

and my new shoes... not from Primark. <3 seriously love 'em!

tassa kaikki talla eraa, huomenna moottoripyorailemaan! 

here was all about this day and tomorrow there will be some motorcycling! exited!

w e  l o v e  m i n i o n s!